Gratitude upon gratitude!

Gratitude upon gratitude!  That's  the word that came to my mind each time I think of all of you.
First, let me congratulate you all of an excellent event.  I love those photos Weijen posted. For those of you who did not received the link, here it is
I cannot imagine the ripple effect of the event on the students that were there.  That back-rub given or that conversation you had with someone may be the turning point for someone's life.  An impact beyond our imagination. 
The road towards the 100K seed funding needed to start Tea Talk remains a challenge, though not impossible.  To date, a Singaporean businessman has pledge $5000 and one of our McDonnell Ambassador has donated $1000 to Tea Talk.  In the coming months, Tea Talk Team Vietnam will be engaging the business community in Hanoi and sharing this need as well. For me personally, I am already reaping the benefits of this project.  The richness of friendship, the joy of working and interacting with each of you from so diverse cultures  and the privilege to witness how one-by-one, each of you are taking a personal interest in raising awareness of mental health issues and Tea Talk.  This experience is nicely captured by a Chinese the proverb “无价之宝”, which means "PRICELESS". We are all "richer" figuratively because each of you gave of yourself. My heart is encouraged to know that Julie, one of the original  member in the Tea Talk  team when the idea was conceived in the Social Entrepreneurship class conducted by Mr. Ken Harrington, was also there at the recent event held at DUC.  Another original Tea Talk member, Yunjin from Korea, wrote me to say that she too want to support Tea Talk.  I am so touched and humbled.
So, thank you call for joining me in this journey.  
Michael Ong
Building People to Build Nations