Time for Tea Talk 
by Dr Shirley Wan
I’ve no clever story to tell. If you asked me why I’m supporting Tea Talk cafe, my initial response is “I don’t know.” What I mean is that there was no ‘serious deliberation, no agonizing over’ sort of event for me. Let me, instead, narrate how I met Michael. 
One day, about two years ago, I met an old classmate whom I had not seen for more that 40 years. We sort of got connected again and one day she invited me to her home for lunch. That day, 12/15/2010 was when I met Michael. From the few hours of conversation, I learnt something about Michael and that he was residing in Hanoi with his family. We kept in touch through emails and whenever he came back to Singapore, he would send me a message. Somehow we found time to meet up for lunch before he went back to Hanoi. We have a higher connection.
Those who act on their conviction and who venture into the unknown by faith are to be admired. Michael’s dream of setting up Tea Talk, a social enterprise had inspired me as a good and worthy dream. So I support it.
Often we would be so busy with work that we had no time to sip tea and talk. We would hold the notion that precious time should not be wasted, important things needed to be done. Yet we have to be reminded to make time for other things, other than busy work. 
What is Tea Talk? Basically it is to have a cup of tea and talk with each other. Many things may germinate from this. Some may be good, others not; some may bring joy, others not. Some may require courage to say what is from the heart, yet some would find it very natural to talk and share their thoughts. Some may prefer to listen rather than talk. Whatever the choice, it is a good opportunity for interaction and exchange. It also allows us to unwind and recharge. This is necessary.    
So I wish Michael all the best for his Tea Talk café. May it always be a beacon of light, shining brightly and may we always have time for tea and talk!